A stylish woman with a black felt hat and vibrant sweater look out to a desert landscape


user experience

Below are examples of some of my ux projects and their success stories.


Old School to New School

How can you attract new, younger customers without sacrificing usability and brand heritage? How do you digitize a style guide that was made for print? How do you stay accessible and fresh?

Get creative with the assets you already have. Empower your user by offering scalable, multiple paths. Limit rework by building a component library and design system based off your current creative. Get bold with color and size to build contrast, strong UI and clear hierarchy.


In-store to Online

How do you translate an in-store experience into the digital realm? How can you strategically create better user experience based on what little analytics you have and with a small team?

Start one component at a time. Know your users use search frequently? Make iterative improvements to your core global functionality first so your customers can find what they need fast. Also, mix it up! Integrate product filters in fun ways, stylize product grids with interactive states and include more dynamic content.


Bang For Your Buck

How do you get the most out of your budget? How can you update your UI to be more modern? How can you have impact on a high conversion page without redesigning it?

Designing small tweaks in your UI can make life easier for your user and freshen up your brand styles. Adding more space between variants can help mobile users make selections without error. Make your ‘add to cart’ button sticky so customers aren’t always scrolling to find it.